common ground montgomery news and updates

lostness in the frailty of life

It has been a heavy couple weeks in our community in terms of loss of life and violence. We send you this update so you can pray with us for our community and for the healing that is much needed in the days, months, and years ahead. Already, there are really redemptive things happening and beautiful examples of God's love and Kingdom. I will be writing about those instances in updates to come, but for now, please pray and help us bear up with others in this season. I am more convinced than ever that we are in the right place and that God really loves those who are suffering in our neighborhood. Below is a reflection from Matt Wolfe, our director of media.

Psalm 34:3,
Bryan Kelly

LilRodney "Falfa" Hurst, pictured far right.


I usually refrain from writing as, even though I am on staff with Common Ground Montgomery, I am the most removed of all staffers; I don't live in the community and I am only required to be onsite once a week for a few hours for staff meetings. So I refrain from writing anything that might be attributed to me (after all, who cares what, for all intents and purposes I am, an outsider has to say - let those who are in the trenches speak), and I simply try to do my job of ensuring that there are venues for those that would speak. I handle communications for CGM, whether print materials or social media or the website.

But as someone who has one foot in and one foot out, I thought perhaps I might offer a small bit of insight into some of the recent violence and tragedy in the community that CGM serves.

Last week, about 100 yards away from the CGM main building, a store clerk was shot (and later died) during a robbery. Watching the surveillance footage that the police released you see the alleged shooter walking in front of a house that belongs to the staff of one of our partner ministries. When the alleged shooter leaves, it looks as if he's walking off behind these same set of houses.

A few days ago a young man - a former member of our After School Program, someone that had played on one of our youth basketball teams, someone that had grown up with many of our students, someone known by the nickname "Falfa" - died from a gunshot wound.

As I sat watching the high school students during a dinner in their honor of finishing out the school year and having three students honored more for graduating and moving onto the next phase of life, there was a palpable burden in the air. One of the high school girls covered her face for more than half of the presentation because she was crying. Another girl, a senior being honored, started crying towards the end, and her mom came up and hugged her and walked her to another part of the house. One student came up to me and asked, knowing that I'm the "picture guy" (I take all the pictures and shoot all the video for CGM), if I could look in my archives and find any pictures of Falfa.

I walked away that night, not saying goodbye to any of the students; after all, what could an outsider offer beyond a tiny bandage on a gushing wound. As I left I saw another student sitting by herself in the driveway. I don't think I ever saw her sad until that moment. She had the look of lostness with a quarter smile.

For all of you reading this, perhaps you might say a prayer (if you're the believing sort) for the friends and family of Falfa and of the store clerk (his name was M.B. Manik).

For those of you reading this and that are affected by these deaths because you knew them, because you loved them, because you were loved by them, because you were in class with them or saw them when you were buying something from that convenience store, take heart in your loss. The depth of that feeling of loss and emptiness presupposes a deep fulfillment, too. There is more yet to come.

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

(Revelation 21:1-4 ESV)

And if even that is too much to bear, or are words that have no meaning to you, then I humbly offer this line from Gandalf (of the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King): I will not say do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.

May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you would like to help the family of LilRodney "Falfa" Hurst

An account has been set up at Guardian Credit Union. You can give at the credit union or online at The account is in the mother's name, Monica Johnson in care of LilRodney Hurst. The account is #38368. The routing is #262276410.

The funeral service is scheduled for Wednesday,May 28, 2014, at noon at Freewill Missionary Baptist Church. Pastor Edward Nettles is graciously officiating and accommodating this family. E. G. Cummings Funeral Home has been entrusted with the arrangements. Common Ground Montgomery is coordinating the Repast.

Please send all monetary contributions to Guardian Credit Union or E. G. Cummings Funeral Home. There are still many other ways you can serve this family, such as food, printed funeral programs, etc.

For more information on how to help, contact CGM staffer Ken Austin at 334-398-0467, or at


Often times at CGM we only write and talk about the kids in our program, or what affects them, like the community they live in, the circumstances we see them in, etc. But it would be utter folly to think Jesus limits our ability to see His hands and heart solely in this community outside of interacting and connecting with the body, His bride, at large. So here's a story about our connectedness.


At Common Ground Montgomery we welcome volunteer groups from all over the country to visit our ministry. Many groups come with churches or organizations and serve our ministry. We get an amazing opportunity to meet people from all over the world with amazing stories, gifts, and hearts for Jesus!

A few weeks ago we had a family group from a church in College Station, Texas, come in. As the week went on, I was able to meet many of those serving with the group. One day at lunch I started to connect with a woman who had many family members in Oklahoma. Being from Oklahoma, we threw around some names to try to connect on a deeper level but none of my people knew any of her people; still, we were both excited that we had a little connection to Oklahoma! I started to talk with her more about her family and come to find out, she has an adopted son! Those of you that know me know my heart for adoption so this was very fun to connect with her about her adoption!

As we talked more I discovered that her son was adopted from Albania; and not just any place in Albania, but the city of Tirana. At this point I was freaking out a little bit! In 2007 I went on my first short term mission trip to Albania and in 2009 I spent a summer in Albania. Albania is a small and, perhaps, not well-known country in Europe - so to hear this lady speak about her son being adopted from there was so exciting to me, and more so because I had even spent time in Tirana! Well, after many more connections and lots of happy tears we found out that I spent time at the VERY SAME orphanage that her son was adopted from! AND, not only that, I was there during the period that he was living in the orphanage! (Don’t worry; if you are crying by now, I am as I and writing this!) I could have possibly held her son in my arms!

We spent the afternoon looking through old photos from my trip to see if he was in any of the photos. I also had a sweet friend who spent a long period of time working in the orphanage who got to love on her son while she was there as well. I can’t tell you how many times I think about those children and wonder where they are now… if they are still there… have they found a forever home? To meet Mrs. Marian and to know that Noah had a forever family brought so much JOY to my heart!

This moment made me realize how amazing God is and how he has uniquely ordained every moment of our lives. He guides every step we make and every interaction we have. So often I seem to forget this simple truth about the Lord. God knows us deeply and he is concerned about EVERYTHING we do and go through as we walk this side of heaven.  So as we live this life, I am encouraged to LOVE deeply and to make every word, action, and interaction count. God knows the plans that he has for us and they are good, they are to give us a future filled with hope!

Through Jesus, Noah’s family and I have an even deeper connection than I could have imagined! I am so grateful to meet Marian and to know that Noah is blessed by an amazing family who truly loves Jesus. There is so much more to this story that won’t fit in this small blog post, but I want to encourage you to remember that God has an incredible path for you! Every moment matters in the Kingdom of God! And as cheesy as it sounds, we have more common ground than we all realize! 



Rejoice in hope, persevere in tribulation, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

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A theme that has been prevalent for me as I work in ministry is this: Ministry is hard!

As much as I adore the parents and children I work with, there are times when I am sorely discouraged and ready to throw in the towel. There are times when the children frustrate me to the point of anger and parent relationships cause me to be distant, afraid, and cold. There have been times when I questioned whether or not I should leave Common Ground Montgomery and go elsewhere for employment. However, when my heart gets weary and I am in a place of hurt, pain, frustration, and confusion, the Lord quickly reminds me of why I came here in the first place.

One thing I look back on is the heart and passion he has given me for this precious community. In the summer of 2009, I was a summer intern for the first time with CGM and it radically changed my life. Coming from the inner-city myself, CGM gave me a deeper compassion and heart for the children, women, and men, living in the inner-city. I knew from my very first summer God was calling me to be a part of Washington Park in a very special way.

As I built relationships with parents and children, a deep love and burden grew and grew even when I was away from the ministry. I knew God was going to use the community, staff, and relationships built with volunteers, interns, parents, and children, to continually shape me into the woman he has called me to be. I am so much more whole, renewed, free, and content, despite the daily difficulties (personal and ministry) that I face. God is doing a great work in me, and I am so grateful!

Despite the inescapable difficulties life and ministry bring, I am hopeful. Why? Because God’s presence and hand is on this ministry. He is radically changing lives and I am a living testimony of that.

And so, I am determined to persevere now more than ever! Why? Because God has called me to directly invest in the loves of some of the most beautiful, talented, funny, smart, and amazing children and parents. They give me hope; they brighten up my day because they remind me that the same God that saved me can save them. They remind me that God is a protector, comforter, King, ruler, and creator. Their smiles bring me so much joy! I literally see the image of God in them, and I am amazed.

I will continue to persevere in prayer. God hears the cries of his people, and I will continue to give all things to Him in prayer. He is saving, restoring, renewing, radically transforming my "hood" and I am blown away by what I see! For those of you who want to give up and throw in the towel, please remind yourself of what God has called you to do.

we're back!


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In the Old Testament every seventh year a sabbatical was an extended season of rest to allow the land to regain its potency and allow the soil to restore its nutrients and minerals. This time is crucial today for sustaining the life of those in ministry. A Sabbatical was much needed for my family and we truly believe that the nutrients of our souls have been replenished, restored, and we have a renewed hunger for life and for ministry. Jeremiah 31:25 says “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Praise God! We are glad to be back!

‘The hood don’t waste no time’

March 3rd was our return date. Transitioning back into our home in Washington Park immediately welcomed us to a reminder that we were home and why we love our street. We miss waking up to the sounds of loud neighbors, loud music, and loud early morning garbage truck runs.

Immediately our home was a revolving door. People old and young came by to visit and welcome us back into the community. A parent who lost her son and whose phone calls I had been avoiding before sabbatical (due to me being emotionally drained) called for help and I was able to visit, respond to needs, and pray for her in her home. Young ladies with make up and wardrobe needs in preparation for a various dances and proms immediately solicited Nicole’s help because she’s the bomb when it comes to stuff like that. Other women reached out to Nicole for help in studying the word and getting to know Jesus better. Another neighbor randomly hit me up in the middle of the street to pray for him on the spot at least 3 times this month. Another friend and neighbor who is addicted to drugs continues to tell me how much he loves me and how much prayer and help he needs. The neighbor who has promised to come to church for 2 years has now come twice in the last 3 weeks. All this and more while transitioning back into my day job with Common Ground Montgomery!

Now at this point I know you feel just a bit overwhelmed as you read this. The things I've mentioned here are basically the norm. We've missed every minute of being here, but issues like these are inevitable. It may not seem like it, but there were even more issues that came up that we couldn't respond to, because we can’t live in a way that allows the circumstances of others to all of a sudden become our emergency every time. God is in control when or if we can’t be there to make everything better. We are not in control. God is always in the midst redeeming and intervening in the lives of people. Sometimes all we can do is pray even if we ourselves aren't in a position to respond.

an all satisfying god

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You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)

This season in my life has been one of the most encouraging and hopeful seasons of my life thus far! At 25, I have tasted the deep waters of the King. I have sat with Him and allowed him to minister to my broken places. I have truly found the one my heart longed for, and I want more and more each day.

Let me explain: The Lord has shown himself to be true, mighty, and everlasting! I am tasting freedom more and more each day (there are many chains that Lord still has to break in my life); even though life can be painful and hard to deal with. As a single woman who longs to find her worth and value in Christ and not in physical beauty or attracting the opposite sex, the Lord has comforted me in the midst of deep pain and constant struggles. Growing up in the inner-city myself and experiencing deep and painful physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, I have to fight the lies of the enemy and the lies I tell myself every single day. I am constantly at the Lord’s feet begging Him to give me strength. I have experienced peace when my heart was waging war. I am slowly but surely trusting God to really satisfy me and continually heal me where it hurts. 

Two of the things I struggle with the most are: control and fear of Man (people pleasing). As I stated in my last blog, the Lord has freed me from needing the approval and acceptance of Man; however, my flesh is tempted to revert back to fear and the idolatry of Man. Although I know I don’t NEED to be accepted and approved by people, my heart WANTS to be accepted and approved by them. 

Moreover, I try to control every area of my life using discipline, devotion, and sometimes manipulation, in order to protect myself from others and to get what I want. God is showing me the areas in my life where I have put Him off of the throne and put myself, other people, and other things, in that place. With all that being said, my sin struggles have pushed me to the throne of grace. They have pushed me to find my all in all in Jesus and nothing and no one else. I am fighting lies from the enemy, the desire to control my life, and fear of people and situations. However, he is fighting the battle with me. He is leading me beside the still waters and giving me living waters. I have peace in the midst of storms; I have hope in the midst of pain. 

Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed that I would taste what it means to be satisfied in Jesus. I pray that I continue to go to Him to be satisfied even when my flesh wants me to do otherwise. Satisfaction in the Lord is a constant, minute by minute, day by day pursuit of Jesus. May we actively desire, long, and fight to be completely satisfied in Him.